Ideal for kitchen fires

Designed for fighting oil fires, Wet Chemical Extinguishers are the perfect solution for any commercial or domestic kitchen

Because fats such as lard, olive oil, sunflower oil and butter are highly combustible, fires caused by these substances can rapidly get out of hand. A Wet Chemical Extinguisher allows you to act quickly, extinguishing the flames, cooling the hot oil and preventing it from re-igniting.

For chip pan fires and deep fat fryer fires, wet chemical extinguishers are essential within any cooking or catering environment.

Most class F extinguishers contain a solution of potassium acetate, sometimes with some potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. The agent is sprayed out as a fine mist. Then the mist cools the flame front, while the potassium salts “saponify” the surface of the burning cooking oil, which produces a layer of foam.

Therefore, this solution provides a similar blanketing effect to a foam extinguisher, but with a greater cooling effect. This process only works on animal fats and vegetable oils, so most class F extinguishers cannot be used for class B fires. Misting also prevents splashing of the blazing oil.

Wet Chemical Extinguishers Suitability

gET in touch

If you are unsure which fire extinguisher best fits your needs, or if you’re concerned about fire safety and prevention, please get in touch. You can count on our experienced team to help. Contact us for more information.

Make sure that you are ready for any eventuality and have the fire extinguishers you need to tackle every type of fire.